Who Defines Your Future?

Some moments in time we will feel up on the clouds and some other moments, perhaps right after the first moments, we might feel like the clouds don’t have the proverbial silver lining.

What defines each situation that we encounter on a daily basis? From my experience and knowledge acquired, I can say that each and every situation is not defined by the obvious components itself. It’s not what happens to us, yet it’s our reaction to it.

Yes, what happens is one part of the story. That’s the beginning. And then, what we do about it and how we respond is the main precursor in each scenario.

Now, what defines our response reaches deeper under our skin. Our response in each situation is governed by our personal beliefs, our values and our thoughts about the meaning of each situation.

Let’s presume that we both have been presented with a very similar course of events. Let’s say that we are both faced with some serious illness.

Now, you might be brought up in a different belief system regarding health and treatment of illness, than I. And while we both might believe in the healing power of human body to some extend, one of us might rely on its ability to heal utterly and without assistance, while the other person would choose a medical intervention. Our values, which are the factors that drive our decision-making, could also be different.

What you and I believe about medical intervention in response to the illness could be so vastly different, that the outcome of the situation we both have been facing might also be totally unrelated.

The reason why I’m stating this example is to show that our destiny is not etched in stone. There is a saying that ‘We are the masters of our destiny’. I would agree with this statement to a larger extend.

What happens to us is one thing. Maybe there is not much we can do about getting ill from time to time. Let’s assume that it’s so. However, what we do about it, when we are presented with the problem, is our choice.

Now, let me say, that I consider each side of the decision valid. Whether one person chooses medical treatment and the other person chooses natural treatment of illness, there is no judgement. Whether we would see their choice as right or wrong is only a matter of opinion. They however, have a right to make a choice based on their own values and beliefs.

Who says what experience in life is more valid? Who is the judge of that?

We are all here now and we will all die at some point in time. That’s the only certainty. So what we are choosing in life, as it progresses, is shaping our experience of now and the future.

And what would our individual life be worth, if it was not for our diverse experiences?

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