MIDDAY POETRY – ‘Overweight’

an update!
what we ate
could relate
to our fate

there has been a debate
that what is on the plate
illness can create

how could one translate
kind words of a mate
saying we carry extra weight

our appetite does dilate
we start to eat at eight
stop when it’s too late

exercise we sure hate
to wiggle like a fat bait
then meet the same fate

yet! it is not in us innate

I willfully state
it is not too late
new habits to dictate

the promise is great
to change our fate
we cannot wait

for a better date
or be too overweight
to fit the heavens gate

MIDDAY POETRY – ‘The Pyramid’

Maslow built a pyramid
motivation in a model
human needs placed
on different steps

bodily needs at the bottom
safety on the first step
belonging and love on the next
accomplishment above that

self actualization in the tip
to achieve one’s full potential
through creative activities
to be the best one can be

to live a life of high morals
spontaneously with meaning
fulfilling our inner potential
is the highest of our needs

when we are not there yet
it simply means our other needs
have not been met yet

the thing to consider
how our mental state
affects our physical reality

unless we are seeing ourselves
as already achieving our dream
including the detailed picture

our body-mind doesn’t know
what place to take us to
and we are still elsewhere

create a better mental imagery
life will improve accordingly


who knows what’s real
only living can reveal
if it’s a good deal

until we all feel
strong as a steel
of an automobile

thieves resort to steal
some beg for a meal
organic would be ideal

our whole planet can heal
nobody has to kneel
layers of truth we peel

life is surreal


someone asked
is there a reason
i don’t have a child

I just sighed
to myself
‘not again!’

who likes to answer
questions like that?

there is myriad of reasons
for every decision we make
whether conscious or not

yet when someone asks
there is not much to say
or it goes like this –

‘because of blablabla’
the other person
hears nothing

just feels the need
to explain and justify
their own situation

as they already
have kids
usually without
much prior thought